The Developer Examples app is available to download as an APK which can be installed to the HMT.
Install the Developer Examples app on the HMT using the following install instructions.
The app contains a number of examples which can be viewed by following the instructions on the screen. Information about each example can be found below with a link to its source code.
The following examples are available within the app. Each example has source code and documentation available.
This example shows how to take control of the action button on the HMT from inside your application, allowing a developer to trigger events when the user pushes the button.
This example shows how launch a camera from an application and how to display the picture the user takes.
This example shows how to open documents and images in the document viewer from an application.
This example shows how to open videos in the movie viewer from an application.
This example shows how launch a barcode scanner from an application and how to read the response once the user has scanned a code.
This example shows how accept input from the user using either a keyboard or dictation.
This example shows how to use the text to speech engine to read text aloud to the user.
This example shows how to programmatically add voice commands to an application.
This example shows how to release the microphone to disable voice recognition, allowing an application to take full control of the audio input.
This example shows how to record and playback audio from an application on the HMT.
This example shows how to add voice commands for an application to the show help menu.
This example shows how to programmatically add BNF grammar to the speech engine, allowing the user to enter a variety options to build a custom string.