The Unity Developer Examples app is available to download as an APK which can be installed to the HMT.
Download Zip (v1.0.0)
Install the Developer Examples app on a HMT following the install instructions.
The app contains a number of examples which can be viewed by following the instructions on the screen. Information about each example can be found below with a link to its source code below.
The following examples are available within the app. Each example has source code and documentation available.
Disable Action Button
Source code – Documentation
This example shows how to disable the the action button on the HMT from inside your Unity application, blocking the default action event form occurring when your application is open.
Disable Global Commands
Source code – Documentation
This example shows how to disable the the global voice commands that WearHF provides by default.
Add Voice Commands
Source code – Documentation
This example shows how to add a voice command to your Unity application.
Text To Speech
Source code – Documentation
This example shows how to use the text to speech engine to read text aloud to the user.
The release notes are available to show all the changes for each version of the Unity Developer Examples app.