Pre-defined tagsets can be configured using configuration files. This gives administrators and users the flexibility to create tagsets that are more appropriate for their data.
In order to create and modify the tagset data, it is recommended to use:
This tool will help with JSON validation and tagset formatting.
The tagset service requires two files in order to correctly configure the tagging service. Using VisualStudioCode, or your preferred text editing tools create a new file with the filename listed below.
Note: If you are using Foresight to configure your tagsets then you will only need to create .json
In order for the tagging service to read in the configuration and tagset, the information must be provided in a JSON format and all of the required fields must be supplied.
Copy the JSON text below into your text editor and change to the name of the custom tagset file name you created above.
{ "tagSetFile": "<custom_file_name>.json", "enabled": "true" }
Copy the JSON provided below into your <custom_file_name>.jsonfile and change the values “Tag A“, “Tag B“, “Another Tag” If you wish to app more tags remember to add “quotations“ around the text and make sure the previous tag and new tag are split using a comma “,“.
{ "tags": ["Tag A", "Tag B", "Another Tag"] }
The tagset service reads the files from the folder /<storage>/realwear/com.realwear.tags/ on the device. In the deployment section, you will learn how to get the files in to the correct folder location.
The next section includes instructions to create this folder and correctly transfer the file.
After you’ve created your tagset, there are three ways to deploy the tagset to your RealWear device(s).
The maximum number of tags that the HMT can have is limited by the number of lines available to display the list of tags. There can be six lines-worth of tags that the user can select from. One line is long enough to display one approximately-50-character tag, about seven 3-character tags, or about five 5-character tags. That would allow a user to have a total of six 50-character-long tags, forty-two 3-character tags, or thirty 5-character tags.
When creating JSON files using Foresight, the file can unknowingly contain invalid characters and encoded values. If you see this error you can use in order to validate and check the errors in the file.
Firmware Version Number 11.1=>
TagService 1.0.2-7 =>